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Business by Referral Podcast

Aug 28, 2023

Meet Danny Bermant

Danny Bermant helps established coaches and consultants attract their ideal clients through joint venture partnerships. Until June 2023 he was director of partnerships for Mirasee, an education company that has enabled 1,000s of students to build and launch courses to grow their impact and revenue.


Aug 21, 2023

Meet Tom Beal


Tom Beal is a man who has overcome incredible odds to achieve success in his life. Born to teenage parents and raised in a tumultuous environment, he rose to become a National Bicycle Champion, the #1 Honor Graduate in Marine Corps Boot Camp, and a top performer in 5 sales organizations and an...

Aug 15, 2023

Meet Katrina Sawa


Katrina Sawa is the CEO and Founder of She is lovingly known as The JumpStart Your Biz Coach because she kicks her clients into high gear making more money doing what they love and fast. She is the creator of the JumpStart Your Marketing & Sales System, 12x International...